'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven



'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven Empty
'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven   
'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven EmptyJeu 10 Déc - 1:58


Prénoms : Raven Nom de famille : Ambrose Statut du sang : Sang-Mêlé Origine géographique : Edimbourg Âge et date de naissance : 21 Novembre 1992 (23 ans) Orientation sexuelle : Bisexuelle Particularité : (magique, moldue...) Métier : écrire ici Miroir de Rised : écrire ici Epouvantard : écrire ici Patronus : écrire ici Composition de la baguette : écrire ici (source d'inspiration ici Tendance : Pro-ordre | Pro-Mangemort | Neutre Animal de compagnie : écrire ici Featuring : Tuppence Middleton Crédits : Azrael

You are unique

Caractère Donec sed tristique nibh. Nullam dictum tincidunt nulla, at commodo ante placerat et. Curabitur auctor magna ac nulla sodales interdum in vitae sem. Aliquam est lacus, convallis lacinia elit eget, pellentesque viverra ex. Phasellus metus neque, ultrices non risus quis, vestibulum porttitor mauris. In non iaculis dui, ut semper purus. Morbi viverra, velit maximus faucibus accumsan, metus turpis vehicula dolor, id molestie dolor massa sed massa. Duis aliquet felis ac nisi facilisis viverra. Nam porta gravida quam. Ut sodales blandit volutpat. Nullam id tellus a nunc sodales varius et eu erat. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nullam ac magna faucibus magna lacinia ullamcorper quis quis risus. Donec ut lobortis nulla. Integer euismod, ante eu malesuada auctor, dolor leo porttitor lorem, a auctor lorem ligula sed sem. Aliquam eros turpis, rutrum id varius ut, cursus in magna.

This is a new world

Le commencement des districts (ici raconte-nous comment tu as vécu ton entrée dans les districts)
Donec sed tristique nibh. Nullam dictum tincidunt nulla, at commodo ante placerat et. Curabitur auctor magna ac nulla sodales interdum in vitae sem. Aliquam est lacus, convallis lacinia elit eget, pellentesque viverra ex. Phasellus metus neque, ultrices non risus quis, vestibulum porttitor mauris. In non iaculis dui, ut semper purus. Morbi viverra, velit maximus faucibus accumsan, metus turpis vehicula dolor, id molestie dolor massa sed massa. Duis aliquet felis ac nisi facilisis viverra. Nam porta gravida quam. Ut sodales blandit volutpat. Nullam id tellus a nunc sodales varius et eu erat. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nullam ac magna faucibus magna lacinia ullamcorper quis quis risus. Donec ut lobortis nulla. Integer euismod, ante eu malesuada auctor, dolor leo porttitor lorem, a auctor lorem ligula sed sem. Aliquam eros turpis, rutrum id varius ut, cursus in magna.

Behind the mask

Pseudo Estelle/Silver Ton âge 21 ans Comment as-tu connu The Blood Games ?Par Roxanne  'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 664271401   As-tu un double compte ? Non Ton personnage est : Inventé Une remarque ? C'est la toute première fois que je décide de tenter de jouer une fille, j'espère que ça va bien se passer  mdr

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'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven Empty
Re: 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven   
'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven EmptyJeu 10 Déc - 1:59


sans fin

And may the odds be ever on your favor

Histoire (ici raconte-nous ton histoire en un minimum de 700 mots)
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Roxanne A. Lestrange

Roxanne A. Lestrange
∞ Parchemins : 45

'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven Empty
Re: 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven   
'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven EmptyJeu 10 Déc - 10:23
OUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 2084392380 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 2084392380 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 2084392380 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 2084392380 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 2084392380 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 2071962949 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 2071962949 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 2071962949 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 2071962949 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 2071962949 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 2193379111 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 2193379111 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 2193379111 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 2193379111 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 2193379111 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 3914971732 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 3914971732 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 3914971732 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 3914971732 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 3914971732 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 904730278 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 904730278 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 904730278 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 904730278 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 904730278 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 904730278 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 904730278 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 904730278 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 904730278 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 1144138054 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 3795025934 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 1144138054 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 3795025934 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 1889902026

Bienvenuuuuuuue à toi ma belle 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 2086446527
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She walks in starlight in another world
Alcyone L. Yaxley

Alcyone L. Yaxley
∞ Parchemins : 383

'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven Empty
Re: 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven   
'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven EmptyJeu 10 Déc - 10:30
Bienvenue par ici 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 3310939982

Si tu as des questions, hésite pas 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 3745456998
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La roux tourne...
Robyn B. Weasley

Robyn B. Weasley
∞ Parchemins : 108

'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven Empty
Re: 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven   
'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven EmptyJeu 10 Déc - 10:50
Ah ! C'est toi le membre dont Roxane m'a parlé ! 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 2084392380
Bienvenue ici ! Tu vas voir tu vas kiffer ! 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 2193379111
Ton vava à l'air tellement badass !

Des bisous,

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Edward W. Knight

Edward W. Knight
∞ Parchemins : 36

'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven Empty
Re: 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven   
'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven EmptyJeu 10 Déc - 19:53
Oh mon dieu ton avatar !!!!!!! 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 2084392380 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 2084392380 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 2084392380 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 2084392380 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 2084392380 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 2084392380 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 2084392380 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 2084392380 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 2084392380 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 2084392380 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 2086446527 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 2086446527 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 2086446527 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 2086446527 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 2086446527 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 2086446527 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 2086446527 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 357031294 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 357031294 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 357031294 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 357031294 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 1916304339 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 1916304339 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 1916304339 :45: :omg: :omg: 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 3745456998 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 3692247439

J'ai hâte de voir ta fiche ^^

Bienvenue et amuses-toi bien parmi nous !
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Basile C. Prewett

Basile C. Prewett
∞ Parchemins : 47

'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven Empty
Re: 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven   
'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven EmptyJeu 10 Déc - 20:31
Bienvenue par ici :**:
Bonne chance pour ce premier personnage féminin ! :hearty:

Et je plussoie mes collègues pour cette belle gueule que tu nous as choisi 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 3214627647
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'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven Empty
Re: 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven   
'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven EmptySam 12 Déc - 16:44
Ow, merci à tous pour cet accueil, vous êtes adorables 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 904730278 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 904730278

J'en profite juste pour m'excuser si je finis ma fiche vraiment vers la toute fin du délai, j'avais pas bien prévu que mes partiels me prendraient autant de temps cette année cry cry
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She walks in starlight in another world
Alcyone L. Yaxley

Alcyone L. Yaxley
∞ Parchemins : 383

'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven Empty
Re: 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven   
'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven EmptyLun 21 Déc - 18:21
Coucou Raven,

Cela fait une semaine que nous n'avons pas de nouvelles. Hésite pas à demander un délai, sinon, nous devrons te supprimer :hearty:
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'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven Empty
Re: 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven   
'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven EmptyLun 21 Déc - 18:46
Hellow 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 664271401

Je vous ai pas oublié, mais est-ce que je pourrais avoir un délai en effet ?
Je me suis vraiment pas inscrite au bon moment c'était stupide mais j'étais impatiente 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 682959396
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She walks in starlight in another world
Alcyone L. Yaxley

Alcyone L. Yaxley
∞ Parchemins : 383

'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven Empty
Re: 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven   
'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven EmptyLun 21 Déc - 19:00
Pas de soucis, au contraire ! On te laisse jusqu'au 30. Avec les fêtes et tout, j'espère que cela sera suffisant 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 3310939982
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'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven Empty
Re: 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven   
'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven EmptyLun 21 Déc - 19:14
C'est génial ! Merci à vous 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 664271401 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven 664271401
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She walks in starlight in another world
Alcyone L. Yaxley

Alcyone L. Yaxley
∞ Parchemins : 383

'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven Empty
Re: 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven   
'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven EmptyVen 1 Jan - 20:42
Le délai est dépassé des nouvelles ?
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'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven Empty
Re: 'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven   
'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven Empty
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'Cause my echo is the only voice coming back - Raven

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